Reiki Master
Wendy Binkier, Reiki Master
Where Heart and Spirit are One
Hello sweet spirit! My name is Wendy Binkier. I am an Angel Therapy® Practitioner and a Reiki Master certified in Usui Tibetan Ryoho Reiki, Professional Member of The International Center for Reiki Training©.
Since a very young age I have been sensitive to and intuitive of people's energy. While on my journey to self healing as an adult, my spiritual gifts began to flourish. I began my Reiki practice in 2005. Continuing on my spiritual journey, I received training and certification as an Angel Therapy® Practitioner, Massage Therapist in 2007 and Soundbath Practitioner in 2018.
I love to teach of what I know because that may be just the thing someone needs in order to not be afraid to embrace their spiritual gifts and talents.
I am clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient and claircognizant. My intent and goal is to provide you with loving guidance and healing messages from your Angels and spirit guides.
Every service I offer is in alignment with only the highest good, love and light.
We all have a unique and interesting story, along with beautiful energy to match and this is where the Heart and Spirit Are One. ALL are welcome here to receive healing energy from my hands to your heart.
No service, course, or product offered by Wendy Binkier/Hands To Heart Reiki is intended, in any way – explicit, implicit, by implication, or in reference – to be a substitute or replacement for licensed medical care. In addition, the information and techniques on this site do not constitute medical advice.